Grubs are incredibly common in North Texas and when they come in large numbers, they can wreak havoc on your lawn, but what are they in the first place?
Grubs are the larvae stage of the "June bug". You could say grubs the caterpillars of beetles.
In north Texas, White grubs are the most common.
Have you noticed how many June bugs around your yard? With so many June bugs it only makes sense that Texas would also have a lot of grubs. If you find June bugs on your doorsteps or are near a streetlight and see them all over the sidewalk near your home, you for sure have eggs throughout your lawn.
Just because you have grubs in your lawn does not mean your lawn will suffer from grub damage because every lawn in North Texas is going to have grubs.
Grubs primarily feed on the roots of warm-season turfs like Bermuda or Saint Augustine. Once the root system is destroyed the turf has lost its ability to properly feed and absorb nutrients from the soil.
Grub worms can destroy a pallet worth of sod in less than a month.
It's all about timing. Here is North Texas, we suggest treating for grubs at the end of July.
Mature grubs, now beetles, emerge in the early summer to feed and mate. By mid to late summer, they’re laying eggs in your lawn, and those eggs hatch in just a few weeks. Those grubs start to much on your lawn straight away, but the feeding frenzy really kicks off in the fall.
That’s why it’s best to apply grub control NOW. You want to apply a product before any grubs’ hatch, but you don’t necessarily have to wait until the beetles lay their eggs.
Preventative grub control products will kill the eggs as soon as they arrive, and that’s the best way to take control of your grub problem!
